

News & Updates



Adding all kinds of new pages and backgrounds, including a news & updates page that you might be reading right now.

There'll be more details for each of the story titles listed in the sidebar...eventually. Most of them are genuine stories that are in the works, so they're there for future-proofing more than anything else. And there's some in the works that aren't listed yet, because maybe they're not as rigidly-planned as the ones that are. We'll see how it all turns out.

I guess currently this is the oldest update posted to this site. I have plnmty of blogs on other sites, attempted ravings from half-witted states, but I'm still trying to build the central reference point for the entire system. When none of those feel right, maybe do it yourself, right? And this can point to others, which point back here, in tne endless ouroboros of referential concotions.

It's not foggy today, and it won't be today for much longer, and that's how time works so you'd really think a system might get used to that eventually. all things in time. Maybe. Maybe, maybe.